Everybody wants to make their home look nice and clean, and installing turf/ artificial grass is a good way to keep a low-maintenance lawn. Now you must be wondering how it is to be kept fresh and clean.
Here is the ultimate guide to clean and preserve your artificial grass.
Artificial grass’s life expectancy is 20 years if used and maintained well. It has multiple perks as it is safe for kids and pets to play on, equal and balanced on all lawns and you do not need to mow it every week. It will stay the same for years, paying back your one-time investment. However, as the investment in artificial grass can be reaped for years, it needs to be kept clean of any dirt and debris that falls on it. Although rainwater can wash it quite well, it isn’t always raining so washing with a hose pipe once a week will be a good measure to make it look good all the time.
Another important thing to know is to keep away fire and hot items such as ashes or sparks from a fire pit or BBQ, from getting onto your artificial grass. Because heat will melt the grass and the damage can not be undone.
If your garden was fully excavated before putting down the artificial grass then you don’t need to worry, otherwise, there might be some weeds growing from the drainage holes of your turf.
Whether you are using your lawn daily in summers and springs or enjoying it from the window in winter and autumn. you won’t have to look at cluttered and unevenly grown grass.
If you have a pet make sure it is potty trained, but accidents happen, so if your dog/cat pees on the artificial grass it will be a pain in the ass, as the smell won’t go with rainwater or simply hosing down the turf, you have to do some extra cleanup to make the smell go away.
Following a few simple steps can always make you enjoy a good-looking lawn.
How to Maintain a Fresh-Smelling Artificial Lawn: Removing Dog Urine Stains and Odors, Complete Guide to Dog Pee Cleanup
These are a few clean-up tips and tricks which can make your turf odorless once again even if it has been peed on.
First, start by removing the solid waste particles, if any, from the turf. Leaving them for the next step will make your work longer. you can use a scooper and plastic bags to do the job. Make the affected area feces-free for a quick cleaning.
Next, thoroughly wash the lawn with a hose, as its flow will make any smaller particles move from the grass, that is left behind. Using a wide spray setting will keep the grass safe without damaging it from the powerful throw of water.
Using pet-safe, Enzyme-based cleaners is highly recommended as they are effective in breaking down urine molecules and neutralizing odors. Selecting a product specially designed for pet urine and safe for artificial grass will keep its life long.
Simply follow the instructions given on the cleaner’s label. Generally, you will need to spray the enzyme cleaner directly onto the affected area. Ensure that the grass is fully covered, now let the cleaner sit for a little while, as recommended on the cleaner, approximately at least 10 to 15 minutes. The sitting time allows the enzymes to break down the urea effectively.
After the enzyme cleaner has had enough time to do its job, it is time to scrub the area to remove the residue of urea. Use a stiff bristle brush for scrubbing, but remember to be gentle as it can damage the grass if used roughly. If you feel the area is still dirty use some more cleaner directly on the surface to ensure complete removal of urea and dirt.
Now every cleaning part is done, it is time to use the hose to rinse the grass thoroughly. This final rinse will wash away the cleaner and urea particles and leave your artificial grass fresh and odorless. Do a thorough cleaning of the artificial grass.
Keeping your grass clean and odor-free will maintain a clean and healthy environment for you, your family, and your pets.
Frequent maintenance and thorough cleaning techniques are the keys to prolonging your artificial grass’s lifespan and good appearance.
Contact K9 Grass to buy dog friendly artificial grass in Australia.